Monday 7 September 2015


History of HONG KONG

Hong Kong first became part of the mainland China over 2000 years ago during the Tang Dynasty and saw a population increase since.
Through the years Hong Kong became an International Trading Center and a salt producing center. The population increased even more during a Mongol invasion when refugees filled the city.
In the 19th Century after trading disagreements and the Opium War, Hong Kong became part of British Territory. During the British occupation period, technology improved quickly transforming every industry but everything was suddenly halted on December 25 1941. On that day the Japanese who had bombed Pearl Harbor two weeks ago attacked and quickly took over Hong Kong. From that day on until August 15, 1945 when the Japanese surrendered to end World War II, Hong Kong economy was completely halted.
By the end of the war, the population half of what it had been before the war. However cheap labor was brought in and Hong Kong gradually reclaimed the status it had before the war becoming a very wealthy and independent colony but on July 1 1997, Hong Kong became part of Chinese territory again as the British handed the colony to the P.R.China. and although changes were made Hong Kong kept its own economy, political and other systems.


Ada mcm owner x? Haha Kalau korang lepak dekat Hong Kong Ni jangan lupa ke Jalan Lan Kwai fong laaa... Memang rare dan heaven semua kereta yang korang tak pernah nampak ade kat sini ..!

mampu bergambar dari luar je, nak masuk memagn seram sejuk,dah la memang dah sejuk dekat sini. kalau masuk silap-silap boleh beku. wallet pun beku. :D

 Malam pertama ni jalan-jalan dan korang kene tahu shopping kat sini tak bole, terasa macam dekat Milan, Paris.. tapi kalau nak bergambar bole laaa :D Sebab harga semua macam melampau sgt haha. Malam pertama kat Hong Kong ... Lepak dekat kaki lima kedai je .. Da macam mat salleh.. Sbb ramai sgt mat Salleh kat sini..Aku dekat jalan Lan Kwai Fong memang rare untuk cuci mata daripada orang sampai la ke material .. Hahaha tapi kalau nak beli barang kat sini pastikan bapa kita title DATO atau ade Kilang sendiri hahaha .. Semua mahal :/

 jumpa kawan dekat sana, mamat ni memang friendly. hahahha.....

lorong ni bersih je. hehehehe....
malam memang sejuk.

Ha ni antara salah satu tower yang tinggi kat HONG KONG,rugi kalau tak tengok tower ni.. memang tinggi tower ni dan membuat aku teruja.


Ha ni hari kedua Di hongkong salah satu tempat yang menarik ... Ala- ala western la tempat ni.. Kalau korang nak ke Hongkong Jgn lupa dtg sini ok ..


gambar atas ni bag je banyak. tapi jangan tertipu, semuanya baju kotor, dalam paper bag tu je la baju baru..
hahahahha... tu je la kenangan yg mampu.. :D 

 Haaa.. ni hari Ketiga aku berada luar dpd tanah Malaya ... So Kalau korang nak tahu Ni la tempat transit daripada Hong Kong ke mainland of China lebih kurang mcm boarder laa.. Kami pergi ke China ni ade tujuan.. Untuk mendalami sejarah dinasti2 China ... Atas keprluan kerja.

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